Charity Accounts
The charity is subject to an annual independent examination of its accounts which are filed with the Charity Commission. Most recent Accounts are available here.
- Independently Examined Accounts 2023
- Independently Examined Accounts 2022
- Independently Examined Accounts 2021
- Independently Examined Accounts 2020
- Independently Examined Accounts 2019
Annual Report
The charity completes a regular Report of its activities, aims and objectives which is filed with the Charity Commission. Most recent Reports are available here.
Monitoring and evaluation
Helpline volunteer Dr Rhian Huxtable, supervised by Professor D Sharp, completed the first Nacoa evaluation in 1999, which looked at the organisation as a whole, and specifically the helpline service.
A Comic Relief-funded evaluation of the charity took place over three years from 2010, looking at its aims and objectives, organisation, services and funding streams to identify how to secure a financial and organisational base on which to maintain and develop services for children of alcoholics.
In 2022, Dr Anne-Marie Barron completed a 20-year report providing an overview of the activities of the Nacoa helpline service. The report considers how the development of other forms of communication, in particular the world wide web and social media, affects the operation and performance of the helpline.
As the helpline continues to evolve to deal with the changes in the way that people communicate, Nacoa is committed to ensuring that those who seek help are provided with the most suitable methods to access it.
Policies and procedures
In response to the helpline evaluations and ongoing consultancy work, all helpline work is informed by the Helpline Policies and Procedures Manual. Some of these policies are listed here:
- Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy
- Complaints Procedure
- Confidentiality Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Volunteering Policy
- Vulnerable Adults Policy

Nacoa is a member of The Helplines Partnership. The Helplines Partnership provides specialist advice for running non-profit helplines in the UK and Ireland. The Nacoa helpline meets agreed good practice standards for helplines in areas such as training, support, confidentiality, accessibility and accountability.