My story
When he drank, he changed. I remember my mum describing him as a Jekyll and Hyde character.
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When he drank, he changed. I remember my mum describing him as a Jekyll and Hyde character.
It took so much for me to share our shameful secret, I thought they could just talk to my dad and it would all improve.
I felt isolated, lonely, that I didn’t matter, and that life had to be better than this.
You don’t want to do anything, ever, to make them feel a certain way. Because that could spark a negative feeling
Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.
I don’t ever remember thinking that my dad was an alcoholic. I thought he was like everyone else’s dad.
And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.
I’d buy cards just to feel normal. “To Dad” on the envelope.
I wish I had the words to say how scared I was to come home everyday.
Scared and lonely is what she feels
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