Become a member now
Help us continue to provide a lifeline to the 1 in 5 children in the UK affected by parental alcohol problems.
Become a member of Nacoa UK.
What does membership entitle me to?
- A Nacoa t-shirt
- Invitations to events: including the annual David Stafford Memorial Lecture (at the the Houses of Parliament) and our annual Awards Evening, featuring prominent guest speakers
- Regular online ‘Members Social+’ meetings
- A voice in Nacoa – you will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and to become a Trustee
- Regular newsletters and updates
- Access to Nacoa training programme
- An invitation to the Annual General Meeting
What will membership cost?
Collectively membership subscriptions make up a significant proportion of our core costs, helping us to continue to provide and improve our services.
Membership costs just £26 per annum or £3 per month. If you are a UK tax payer and you agree, we can claim a further 25p in Gift Aid for every £1 donated. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can claim tax relief in your self-assessment tax return.
Become a member