Nacoa publications

Booklets and leaflets for everyone affected by a parent's drinking.

Nacoa publications

Booklets and leaflets for everyone affected by a parent's drinking.

Leaflets, posters & cards

Contact us to request free print copies.

Information for people affected by their parent’s drinking

Nacoa publications

Some mums and dads drink too much

Nacoa publications

Some British Punjabi and Sikh parents drink too much…

‘You are not alone’ poster

Nacoa publications

Nacoa poster Cymraeg: Wedi dy effeithio gan riant yn yfed? (Welsh poster)

Nacoa Poster in Welsh (poster Cymraeg) - Wedi dy effeithio gan riant yn yfed?
Ddim ar ben dy hun.

Booklets and information sheets

Information for CAMHS Professionals

Nacoa publications

Information for parents

Nacoa publications

Information for grandparents

Information for professionals

Nacoa publications

Information for teachers

Cover of Nacoa Information for Teachers booklet for professionals working with children affected by parental alcohol problems in schools

Information for young people

Nacoa publications

Information about counselling and psychotherapy

Nacoa publications

Introduction to codependency

Nacoa publications

Jasper’s Wish, children’s book written by Dr Jessica Munafo for Nacoa

Nacoa publications

Dear… A book of letters from the forgotten families of addiction

Cover image of Dear... A book of letters from the forgotten families: silhouette of a boy writing a letter against background of clody sky

Coping with the death of a parent – for children

Booklet with help and advice for children with a parent who has died from alcohol problems or other addiction

Coping with the death of a parent – for young people

Booklet with help and advice for young people with a parent who has died from alcohol problems or other addiction

Coping with the death of a parent – for adults

Booklet with help and advice for adults with a parent who has died from alcohol problems or other addiction

More information sheets

About Nacoa

Annual report 2020/21

Making a difference – how you can help (including membership form)

The Nacoa Helpline, Review of 2001-2020 – Dr Anne-Marie Barron

You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

Resources you may like

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