Nacoa launch free booklet ‘Information for Teachers’

With the continuing financial help of The Vintners’ Foundation, our new booklet ‘Information for Teachers’ reaches out through teaching staff to the 1 in 5 children in the UK affected by a parent’s drinking. The booklet looks at identifying these children in the classroom, how alcohol affects the family, frequently experienced issues, breaking the cycle

With the continuing financial help of The Vintners’ Foundation, our new booklet ‘Information for Teachers’ reaches out through teaching staff to the 1 in 5 children in the UK affected by a parent’s drinking. The booklet looks at identifying these children in the classroom, how alcohol affects the family, frequently experienced issues, breaking the cycle

Research participants needed. Scotland

Do you live in Scotland and want to take part in Sharon Greenwood’s study ‘On your own without a net? Experiences of young adults affected by parental substance use’?  Please contact Sharon direct:

Do you live in Scotland and want to take part in Sharon Greenwood’s study ‘On your own without a net? Experiences of young adults affected by parental substance use’?  Please contact Sharon direct:

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