Angry and Confused




Hello, I am new here and haven’t done this sort of ‘chat’ things before. I’m 25, my father has had alcohol problems for as long as I can remember. He stopped for a while but recently my mum, who is now divorced from my dad, found him unconscious at his home. I just don’t know how much more I can take of this, the anxiety is sky high. I’m so angry that he is back drinking again. He was doing so well but now he is right back where he started.

  • helpinghands00

    Thank you for sharing your story and I sorry to hear about your dad and what you are going through. This sounds like such a lot for you to deal with. It's great that you've used the message board and I hope that in doing so you found some comfort in putting words down. Lots of people say that writing things down helps, I very much hope it has helped you.

    You are important too and I'm wondering if there are things that you can do to make yourself less anxious? Photography? Meditation? Yoga? Running? Writing or painting? It is difficult when we have lots of monkey chatter going on in our heads and those feelings of anxiety in our bodies, I guess it can feel quite over-whelming and why wouldn't you feel angry, that's total valid and normal but try and 'feel' the anger, recognise it and then I wonder if you can find something to do to counteract that anger, try not to hold it inside.

    Have you visited the personal experiences on the Nacoa website? It may be a comfort, hearing about other people's life experiences can sometimes help us to make sense of our own situation and feelings but most importantly know that you really aren't alone.

    Please continue to use these message boards to get things off your chest or to sound off.

    Take care.

  • hkmnineteenseventyseven

    Hello. I'm so sorry to hear that you feel this way. I totally agree with the advice that helpinghands00 has given you. I would also suggest that if you are still struggling please contact the NACOA helpline on 08003583456 or email who can give you further suggestions on how to cope. Take care.

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