Finding people to talk to




Is there a in-person, or virtual, group that meet up every so often? I have seen a few, but was a bit cautious because some of the groups I found seem quite religious – e.g., healing through prayer. I’m not anti religion, but I am not religious myself so was a bit put off.

Are there any non-religious groups you like/recommend?

  • listener


    Nacoa doesn't hold any support groups but can pass on information on those who do.

    You are not alone in your discomfort around the 'religious' aspect of some of the group meetings. Those groups do say that everyone is welcome, and the words around prayer and God can mean anything to each individual. Some people find actually going to the groups that those religious aspects don't matter and being around others who understand is very helpful anyway.

    However, it is completely your personal comfort that matters. It could be worth trying out a few different groups if there are a range nearby, and just seeing how you feel when you're there.

    I will include some support options below for you to look into - you might find some don't have any religious aspect:

    Al-Anon UK (
    Adult Children of Alcoholics UK (
    Families Anonymous (

    I hope this is helpful and please feel welcome to keep reaching out!
    Take care,

  • elisastar

    Hi ephe1,

    The above comment has some great options. I also felt that way about the religious aspect of some groups, however it’s worth mentioning that when I actually attended one of these groups, it was simply being in a room with people who have shared feelings and experiences to me which I found comforting, regardless of the religious aspects.

    Every group will be different so I would really encourage you to try them out, and if it doesn’t work for you there is no commitment to go again!

    Hope this helps:)


  • yellowbug

    Just to add. I go to an Alanon group. Although the talk is very 'religious sounding' none of the people at mine are religious! Most people understand 'God' as 'nature' or 'the connection between people' or just the group itself . Basically something bigger than you that you can put some trust in. I take what helps and leave the rest....

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