I’m 10 years old and I’m worried about my dads drinking
It’s been happening on and off since I was eight. My dad gets shouty and tired he sleeps most of the day he doesn’t usually eat dinner. He still works and that stresses him.
I worry that my mom and dad will separate and that my dad will have kidney issues.
Hi tobiboo,
I am so sorry that you are going through a lot of worry at the moment with your dad’s drinking. It sounds like it must be stressful too.
Do you have anyone that you trust and feel that you can speak to? For example, any teachers at school? Or any other adults at home or in your family?
It’s understandable if it feels like a big thing to talk about. There are people who can help and provide you the extra support as well, it’s important to try and not go through this alone.
You mention some worries you have for your mom and dad and your dad’s health too. This sounds like a lot of worry for one person to have. Is there anything you enjoy doing, any hobbies you like that makes you feel better?
We have a leaflet with information called Some mums and dads – Some-mums-and-dads-drink-too-much.pdf (nacoa.org.uk) – is there something here that is helpful?
I am glad that you have found Nacoa today. Know there is a safe space here whenever you would like to speak or write to Nacoa.
Only if it feels possible and safe to contact us by email or phone, our email helpline is helpline@nacoa.org.uk and our phone is 0800 358 3456 and we are available to speak between 10am and 7pm Monday to Saturday.
When you contact us, we have our promises which are:
- We are here to listen
- We won't judge
- We are here to help for as long as you want
- What you say will remain confidential
If you would like us to explain this more, do let us know
You are welcome to keep on writing here if it is easier. You are not alone and you matter. You have done something good for yourself today in writing here, I hope it helps to know that.
Take good care,
Thank you
Hi tobiboo,
I just wanted to say that I know it can feel scary to share your worries, and I think it’s very brave that you came here to tell someone. It’s good to have people you can talk to about how you are feeling. I does sound like it might be helpful to talk to a teacher or someone else you can trust about your worries, too. Or maybe you could talk to your mum or another family member? You are not alone. We are here for you if you want to call or write to us again. Take good care of yourself.
Hi tobiboo,
I just wanted to say hello. I think the answers above say more than I could, and I hope that some of that information is useful.
I think you've been really brave writing here and I wanted to tell you that.
You are not on your own and Nacoa can really help you if you are struggling.
Hi Tobiboo,
Please write to this message board everytime you feel alone or scared, and do try and tell a teacher what is going on at home. You are not alone ❤️
Well done for sharing this, it is a very brave thing to do. NACOA have some great things that can hopefully support you, so please do look into them and look after yourself.
The helpline might be a good way to talk to someone if you dont want to share with a teacher or similar. Take care, and you are not alone.