Tess West (aka Yoga Tess) #LunchtimeLives with Josh Connolly
Dad came drunk to parents evening and argued with the mums’
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Dad came drunk to parents evening and argued with the mums’
Piece by piece your world became so small, The road to recovery was a mountain too tall.
In hindsight I think she always had an issue
In time we lose the shame we felt about our previous ways
It doesn’t excuse some of what she did but it does go some way to explaining it.
‘You feel like you are doing your parent a disservice if you are only talking about the drunk parent.’
You would think after seeing someone you love turn into someone else that I wouldn’t do the same!
As anyone who has an alcoholic in their immediate family will know – it’s meant to be kept secret
Above all else I learnt that from darkness there is always light. To ensure that every battle we face is a lesson and we proceed to learn and teach others of this.
When somebody is given family support to heal, you must tell ourself that you were not the cause.
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