My Dad, The “Alcoholic”, and Me
And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.
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And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.
I’d buy cards just to feel normal. “To Dad” on the envelope.
I wish I had the words to say how scared I was to come home everyday.
Scared and lonely is what she feels
It started when mum started to find beer bottles and wine hidden all around the house.
Are you feeling sad or maybe bad.
I really hope some of these tips work, and remember NACOA are here to help if you ever want to chat.
I felt helpless. Everyone kept telling me ‘she needs to help herself’ but she wouldn’t get the help.
Although we got through those difficult times, the price we paid will never be refunded.
I’m finding it very difficult to come to terms with my loss.
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