The Disturbed Nights

Scared and lonely is what she feels

The Disturbed Nights

She hurried and turned the lights off 

In case he knew she was awake

He would storm into her room like an earthquake 

Hiding under the sheets as shelter

Hoping it would protect her from the unexpected stormy weather

Scared and lonely is what she feels 

Closed eyes and ears as her only shields 

From the words of abuse that derived from the storm 

Oh, how sad that this child was born 



The Disturbed Nights

Scared and lonely is what she feels

The Disturbed Nights

Scared and lonely is what she feels

The Disturbed Nights

She hurried and turned the lights off 

In case he knew she was awake

He would storm into her room like an earthquake 

Hiding under the sheets as shelter

Hoping it would protect her from the unexpected stormy weather

Scared and lonely is what she feels 

Closed eyes and ears as her only shields 

From the words of abuse that derived from the storm 

Oh, how sad that this child was born 


You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

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