Sharing pain, giving hope – Facing my past was hard but I felt like I was coming home
As a perfect child of an alcoholic, I had not told anyone my story. Even my husband had not heard the whole tale, only bits gleaned from snatches of conversation.
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As a perfect child of an alcoholic, I had not told anyone my story. Even my husband had not heard the whole tale, only bits gleaned from snatches of conversation.
As far as I was concerned, it was my fault she did this.
I remember I used to find empty drink bottles, hidden in the garage.
Dad drank despite how well I behaved.
I always felt so alone and scared whilst being a part of an extremely loving family.
I want us to be a close and strong family. Please try – I’ve never wanted anything more than this.
“I love/hate you”, “I’m proud of you” / “ What the hell are you doing with your life?
Me and my brother were placed together and we had an amazing foster mum.
The shame when your father turns up drunk to your school prize giving where you are getting a prize.
I was daddy’s girl, the guilt I felt when I realized what he had done to my family but I’d been to wrapped up in how much love I had for him to see it.
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