I was always waiting for Hyde to reappear
I knew that when my dad had been drinking to stay out of the way.
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I knew that when my dad had been drinking to stay out of the way.
The drunk texts and hurtful late-night calls have taken a toll I can no longer bear.
Elizabeth’s message to anyone who grew up with an alcoholic parent: Never give up hope.
My family members would use my behaviour to justify the parental drinking.
The stigma, the family I no longer speak to—what will the backlash be?
Everyone commented on how lovely she was but behind closed doors she was anything but.
Family life was chaotic, and we would have regular police visits to our home.
Why doesn’t she care enough to stay sober for one day?
Growing up with an alcoholic parent is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences.
Film about a young man navigating life as an ACOA (adult child of an alcoholic).
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