Coping with academic work

Living with an alcoholic father

Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.

Cath an adult child of an alcoholic father

Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.

I am the daughter of an alcoholic

You should always remember it is just as physically and emotionally draining for the carer as it is for the addicted.

You should always remember it is just as physically and emotionally draining for the carer as it is for the addicted.

My Mum From Memory

I tried to save her but I just couldn’t get past the dark.

I tried to save her but I just couldn’t get past the dark.

The Lessons you taught me

If you are within arms-reach as a child or loved one, the negative stigma remains much the same.

If you are within arms-reach as a child or loved one, the negative stigma remains much the same.

Don’t wake the Ogre

It took so much for me to share our shameful secret, I thought they could just talk to my dad and it would all improve.

It took so much for me to share our shameful secret, I thought they could just talk to my dad and it would all improve.

Elizabeth Fletcher – #LunchtimeLives

You don’t want to do anything, ever, to make them feel a certain way. Because that could spark a negative feeling

You don’t want to do anything, ever, to make them feel a certain way. Because that could spark a negative feeling

Dad, do you remember?

Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.

Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.

My Dad, The “Alcoholic”, and Me

And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.

And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.

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