When he drank, he changed. I remember my mum describing him as a Jekyll and Hyde character.
When he drank, he changed. I remember my mum describing him as a Jekyll and Hyde character.
Only one person could make the change with that relationship with alcohol, and it wasn’t me no matter how much I thought I could
Only one person could make the change with that relationship with alcohol, and it wasn’t me no matter how much I thought I could
It took so much for me to share our shameful secret, I thought they could just talk to my dad and it would all improve.
It took so much for me to share our shameful secret, I thought they could just talk to my dad and it would all improve.
I felt isolated, lonely, that I didn’t matter, and that life had to be better than this.
I felt isolated, lonely, that I didn’t matter, and that life had to be better than this.
Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.
Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.
I don’t ever remember thinking that my dad was an alcoholic. I thought he was like everyone else’s dad.
I don’t ever remember thinking that my dad was an alcoholic. I thought he was like everyone else’s dad.
And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.
And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.
Although we got through those difficult times, the price we paid will never be refunded.
Although we got through those difficult times, the price we paid will never be refunded.
All I wanted was for her to love us, to love me, and I think she did but just could not show it.
All I wanted was for her to love us, to love me, and I think she did but just could not show it.
All I wanted was some normality, to not be scared to come home from school.
All I wanted was some normality, to not be scared to come home from school.