Jen Payne | Holding on to the good days #LunchtimeLives
Holding on to the good days when your parent drinks too much
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Holding on to the good days when your parent drinks too much
Your demon, your monster, your saboteur.
I wish I could let her know that I am okay.
My Mum’s alcoholism was a secret kept by me, my Dad, and my Mum.
‘I spent a lifetime hating myself… It’s beautiful on the other side.’
I would urge anyone in a similar position to me to try not to live in denial about this.
Dad came drunk to parents evening and argued with the mums’
I feel guilty for feeling it and give myself a 1000 reasons not to be happy.
It was like living with Jekyll and Hyde. When she was sober she was lovely and when she was drunk she was awful!
He was heavily reliant on me and used to call me all the time to drive him places, take him to the shops etc.
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