Nacoa release FREE ‘COVID_19 Online Resource Pack’

‘Online Resource Pack’ for those concerned for someone affected by their parent’s drinking during COVID social distancing.

‘Online Resource Pack’ for those concerned for someone affected by their parent’s drinking during COVID social distancing.

Nacoa & COVID_19 – Helpline open with reduced opening hours

In spite of the corona virus quickly spreading around the UK, the Nacoa helpline will remain open for the foreseeable future. Nacoa operates in a relatively contained work environment, which will allow staff and some volunteers to safely continue manning the helpline for children affected by their parent’s drinking. This is a time of real

In spite of the corona virus quickly spreading around the UK, the Nacoa helpline will remain open for the foreseeable future. Nacoa operates in a relatively contained work environment, which will allow staff and some volunteers to safely continue manning the helpline for children affected by their parent’s drinking. This is a time of real

‘What I learned from the David Stafford Memorial Lecture 2020’

By Lindsay Doherty. I became a volunteer helpline counsellor for Nacoa last year after reading an article online about one of their patrons, Calum Best, who climbed Mont Blanc in 2018 as a fundraiser. Having lost my own father when I was aged 19 to alcoholism, I hadn’t been aware of the Bristol based charity

By Lindsay Doherty. I became a volunteer helpline counsellor for Nacoa last year after reading an article online about one of their patrons, Calum Best, who climbed Mont Blanc in 2018 as a fundraiser. Having lost my own father when I was aged 19 to alcoholism, I hadn’t been aware of the Bristol based charity

John Fenston (1945-2020), Nacoa Chair of Trustees – A Tribute

It is with great sadness that we announce that Nacoa’s Chair of Trustees, John Fenston, has passed away. Though it is also with huge gratitude that we are looking back on John’s life and his heroic work for Nacoa. John became a Nacoa trustee in 1995 and took over as Chair of Trustees when our

It is with great sadness that we announce that Nacoa’s Chair of Trustees, John Fenston, has passed away. Though it is also with huge gratitude that we are looking back on John’s life and his heroic work for Nacoa. John became a Nacoa trustee in 1995 and took over as Chair of Trustees when our

Nacoa Ambassador Josh Interviewed for BBC Hooked Podcast

Nacoa volunteer and ambassador Josh Connolly was invited as a guest on the latest BBC Hooked podcast. In a wide-ranging conversation with presenters Melissa Rice and Jade Wye, there are some amazing insights are made about what it is like growing up with a parent who drinks too much. The programme covers the fears children feel,

Nacoa volunteer and ambassador Josh Connolly was invited as a guest on the latest BBC Hooked podcast. In a wide-ranging conversation with presenters Melissa Rice and Jade Wye, there are some amazing insights are made about what it is like growing up with a parent who drinks too much. The programme covers the fears children feel,

Jasper’s Wish – Children’s book published for #COAWeek2020

During COA Week 2020, we were very proud to publish “Jasper’s Wish”. This wonderful book, written by Dr Jessica Munafo for Nacoa, is being published for all to read and share with their loved ones. After he finds himself, all of a sudden, having to stay with his two Nanas, Jasper has quite a few

During COA Week 2020, we were very proud to publish “Jasper’s Wish”. This wonderful book, written by Dr Jessica Munafo for Nacoa, is being published for all to read and share with their loved ones. After he finds himself, all of a sudden, having to stay with his two Nanas, Jasper has quite a few

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