Alcoholic dad




I have a father who has been drinking alcohol ever since I can remeber. He is in his 50’s and it’s getting worse and worse I don’t know when his last day will be, he coughs and has phlegm non stop , he urinates himself if he doesn’t reach toilet in time. He abuses us mentally he mentions how he pays for our food he complains that we use the cooking hob he always complains that we eat too much and that money is spent in the house. I don’t know how my father can always complain about us eating , he makes all us 3 siblings cry and he makes my mum cry. We tell him please stop drinking but he says he doesn’t care if he dies he says he doesn’t care what happens to us and he says we’ll get used to living without him. He mentions stuff to me in 22 waiting to find a job I’ve been in university I’m trying my best he always threatens to kick me out and that I’m useless but I’m infact proud of myself for going through with uni and being a amazing daughter. I feel bad for my siblings for going through with this as I’m the eldest I see the pain in their eyes and I wish I could help them as I know the trauma I’ve had is on them aswell . I wish there was a magic pill or something to help our parents as they don’t want to be this way the drink has almost destroyed their brain and feelings 😞I pray to god to help everyone out alcoholic parents and just make us children feel loved as we deserve love aswell we are just as equal to those who have perfect families.
Any advice how I can take my mind of this or any groups I can join to discuss similar experiences I’m just so lonely and nobody understands me and I don’t want to put my problems onto other people.

  • listener

    Hi girlinsmallworldd,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad's drinking and the effect it is having on you and your family - it sounds incredibly tough for you all. If you feel comfortable, you could email or call the helpline to speak to someone and even explore coping mechanisms with them. The helpline counsellors can also help you look for local groups if that is something you would be interested in.

    In the meantime, please know that you really aren't alone and this is not your fault.

    - listener

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