Darkest Days




You will be unaware of my darkest days
I spent years pretending everything was ok

You didn’t marry Mum, you married the bottle
Beers, Wine & Spirits, all made you waffle nonsense
Speaking of, did you ever have a guilty conscience

Our pocket money would slowly disappear
It was too scary for us to interfere
Imagine living your childhood on eggshells
Anyway, we were taught not to dwell

I question why god chose you as his culprit
and why, as a family we picked
Whilst one of us was claimed by the disease
The rest of us just aimed to please

Here we are, still standing today
Continuing to have some of my darkest days

  • listener

    Thank you for taking the time to share your words. You are not alone.

    If you would like to talk, the Nacoa helpline is open Monday - Saturday 10am - 7pm on 0800 358 3456. You can also email helpline@nacoa.org.uk

    Take care.

  • pearl

    Your words are very relatable and deeply felt. Thank you for sharing them. Nacoa is a safe space to share these feelings and if you needed to talk to someone please reach out to the helpline where there is someone to listen.

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