Is my dad lying to me?




I used to see my dad every other Saturday until one time. I came to his house (where we usually meet) and he wasn’t there. Me and my mum tried everything ; we tried calling him, we tried ringing the bell, but he wasn’t there. A few days later, my dad called me saying that he was at the hospital and that he didn’t know why my mum hadn’t told me . After the call, my mum told me that my dad asked her not to tell me. I was (and still am) very confuzzled but, I know my mum well and I know she would never lie to me, which meant my dad was lying to me. After that I haven’t been seeing him and I’ve blocked him because of all the threatening texts he sent to me. That was all before last Christmas. Now, not long ago, my dad sent my mum an email saying how he hadn’t been drinking in the past 3 months. I don’t know what t think because before he sent that email, my mum got a call from a social worker saying that he got told off by the police because of getting drunk on the streets.
I dont know what to think of my dad and I don’t even know if I want to see him anymore. I just want some advice on what to do so if you have any advice or anything you’d like to say, please do.
Thanks ❤

  • listener

    Hi Ipanda,

    That sounds like an incredibly confusing and hurtful time. I can appreciate why the conflicting information from both parents, and threatening messages from your dad, have left you feeling this way.

    It's understandable that you wanted to distance yourself from your dad after this, and it sounds like the recent conflicting information from your dad and the social worker about his drinking has added even more confusion into the mix. I would say it's entirely up to you over whether you want to see your dad. It's important to think of your own feelings and wellbeing in all of this, so whatever you decide to do, prioritise yourself.

    Do you have anything that's helping you cope with the situation at the moment? Do you have any support around you?

    Keep reaching out and take good care of yourself <3

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