Addiction taking priority


Only one person could make the change with that relationship with alcohol, and it wasn’t me no matter how much I thought I could

Only one person could make the change with that relationship with alcohol, and it wasn’t me no matter how much I thought I could

My Dad, The “Alcoholic”, and Me

And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.

And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.


I’d buy cards just to feel normal. “To Dad” on the envelope.

I’d buy cards just to feel normal. “To Dad” on the envelope.

Tony Adams MBE – #LunchtimeLives

‘When you pick up the phone, it’s not going to your boss, it’s not going to your mate. No one’s gonna laugh at you.’

‘When you pick up the phone, it’s not going to your boss, it’s not going to your mate. No one’s gonna laugh at you.’

Rest easy my hero

I learnt not to talk, not to trust and not to feel.

I learnt not to talk, not to trust and not to feel.


All I feel now is sadness at what my dad went through, I truly believe no one chooses to become an alcoholic, it can just happen.

All I feel now is sadness at what my dad went through, I truly believe no one chooses to become an alcoholic, it can just happen.

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