The feeling of having an alcoholic parent or relative
Don’t let something like this hold you back, it is their problem not yours
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Don’t let something like this hold you back, it is their problem not yours
When the bell rung at 3pm, most of my friends couldn’t wait to get out of school. For me, I dreaded that sound.
I stood in silence next to her bed, experiencing a succession of emotions. Disappointment. Anger. Rejection.
I had never been aware of what was wrong with her. I had had no one to guide me or to tell me that it was not my problem or that she had one.
To anyone that has gone through a similar thing I would like to say: things get better, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
“Don’t trust, don’t talk, don’t feel,” these are the rules of a dysfunctional family.
I wanted people to understand, to know what I was going through, but no one understands unless they’ve experienced it themselves and I was too messed up to let people get close.
But you will keep the secret to yourself that isn’t even a secret.. You don’t talk about it, you don’t talk about yourself, you don’t talk about your family, you keep your hopes and dreams to yourself but you don’t know why.
Dad drank despite how well I behaved.
The shame when your father turns up drunk to your school prize giving where you are getting a prize.
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