I drowned my pain, and it buried me
I became the dad I couldn’t save
I drowned my pain, and it buried me
I became the dad I couldn’t save
Time goes on like nothing happened. Everyone goes about their lives like nothing happened.
Time goes on like nothing happened. Everyone goes about their lives like nothing happened.
Mum, your battle with alcoholism was a storm that tested me each day.
Mum, your battle with alcoholism was a storm that tested me each day.
There’s freedom in speaking up and working through this.
There’s freedom in speaking up and working through this.
For as far back as I can remember, I had a lingering feeling something was terribly wrong.
For as far back as I can remember, I had a lingering feeling something was terribly wrong.
My Mum was an alcoholic. It’s taken a lot to say that.
My Mum was an alcoholic. It’s taken a lot to say that.
We lived in it together, and I felt that no one else would ever understand.
We lived in it together, and I felt that no one else would ever understand.
It’s just over a week after I ran the London Marathon.
It’s just over a week after I ran the London Marathon.
I have been reflecting on how her death has shaped me.
I have been reflecting on how her death has shaped me.
Nothing to see here right?
Nothing to see here right?