Trying to help them stop

Caterpillars and Butterflies 

The stigma, the family I no longer speak to—what will the backlash be?

The stigma, the family I no longer speak to—what will the backlash be?

They didn’t choose to be alcoholics

No one does. It was when he retired that things really began to go downhill.

No one does. It was when he retired that things really began to go downhill.

You still have half of me

Time goes on like nothing happened. Everyone goes about their lives like nothing happened.

Time goes on like nothing happened. Everyone goes about their lives like nothing happened.

Living with an alcoholic father

Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.

Cath an adult child of an alcoholic father

Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.

My dad, my hero

It has taken me many, many years to understand my dad and his addiction.

It has taken me many, many years to understand my dad and his addiction.

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