When chaos defines your life
Mourning the death of someone who hasn’t died, but has changed.
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Mourning the death of someone who hasn’t died, but has changed.
Being a COA does not have to stop you from achieving anything.
I love being part of something that truly gets me.
When my father died she would function during the daytimes as she needed to keep life going
When my father died she would function during the daytimes as she needed to keep life going
I kept a journal, it was like having a personal therapist
From the outside I was seen to be a lucky, privileged child with no right to complain
I think my mum is a truly beautiful person.
You should always remember it is just as physically and emotionally draining for the carer as it is for the addicted.
I felt like I couldn’t speak to anybody because I was ‘just an emotional child’.
‘I walked on egg shells during my late teenage years. Mum never admitted it.’
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