Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking

1 in 5 people in the UK are affected by a parent's drinking. #URNotAlone

support & advice

Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking

1 in 5 people in the UK are affected by a parent's drinking. #URNotAlone

support & advice

It's COA Week

Join Nacoa UK in our 16th year celebrating international COA Week - shining a light on the millions of people around the world affected by a parent's drinking or other addictive problems 🧡

Find out more

Free helpline

If you would like to talk to someone, our free confidential helpline is here for you.

0800 358 3456

The Nacoa promise
  • We are here to listen
  • We won’t judge
  • We are here to help for as long as you want
  • What you say will remain confidential

Calling the helpline

Instant chat

Just tap on the blue instant chat icon in the bottom right of your screen.

Message boards

Share your experiences and talk to others in our online message boards.
Message boards

Make a difference.

1 in 5 children in the UK are affected by their parents' drinking…

… we are here to help. With your help we can help no child feel like they are on their own.


5 information packs for professionals working with children of alcoholics.


Free phone calls for a week.


Train a new volunteers helpline counsellor.


Keeps the helpline running for 6 weeks.

Our Patrons

Sophie K

Radio and television presenter

Calum Best

Celebrity, businessman, and television personality

Geraldine James OBE

Theatre, television and film actor

Tony Adams MBE

Football player, manager and addiction campaigner

David Coldwell

Boxing Coach, Manager & Sky Sports Pundit.

Liam Byrne MP

Member of Parliament and Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Children of Alcoholics