Vicky Pattison announced as a patron of Nacoa UK
We are extremely proud to announce that Vicky Pattison is appointed to Nacoa’s team of patrons.
Nacoa patrons are prominent ambassadors for Nacoa and our cause supporting people affected by their parent’s drinking.
Since releasing her documentary ‘Alcohol, dad and me’, Vicky has emerged as one of the most insightful and thoughtful voices for people affected by a parent’s drinking in the country today. The documentary has been nominated for the National Television Awards.
As someone affected by a parent’s drinking with a complicated relationship with alcohol, Vicky demonstrates that dealing with being a COA is a lifelong process.
Vicky is giving the keynote speech at this year’s Stafford Ward Memorial Lecture at the House of Commons. The lecture this year will also be releasing striking new figures on the extent to which children keep the family secret.
Vicky says of the appointment:
‘I felt so alone growing up with alcoholism in the family. You blame yourself and wonder what you are doing wrong. Why can’t they love you enough to stop?
‘As an adult, I now know that there was nothing I could have done, but I wish I had known Nacoa existed and that you are never alone—there is always someone who understands.
‘Since making my documentary, ‘Alcohol, dad, and me’, I’ve met so many amazing people through Nacoa, and am proud to be part of this work helping some of the most vulnerable children in the UK today.’
Helping children and people affected today
Together we will show more children that despite difficult and even traumatic upbringings, we can all go on to lead happy and fulfilled lives.
Find out more about Nacoa patrons here.