Covid19 troubles with an alcoholic parent




How should I cope with my own mental health problems and the worries of living with an alcoholic parent during this lockdown? I am becoming really anxious and stressed because we just don’t know when this lockdown will end for sure. There is so much pressure for Christmas and I am so lost as to what to do.

  • hkmnineteenseventyseven


    I'm so sorry to hear about the problems that you are facing. Remember that you are not alone and you did not cause your parents' drinking. Please try and take time out for yourself each day, watching a TV programme, reading a book or going for a walk. If you are still struggling please contact the NACOA helpline on 08003583456 or email who can give you further suggestions on how to cope.

  • abzi

    Can understand thoroughly.
    My 70 plus year old father drinks everyday and lies about it to us. When we confront him, he sulks.
    Turned to Nacoa who helped me deal with this. Story is the same everyday in our house but now I am learning to turn a blind eye to it.

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