



my mum has always been a drinker i hate seeing it u would think ur child leaving cos of ur drinking would push u to stop but nope she still does what she want she dont even notice me anymore :/

  • listener


    I'm sorry to hear about your mum's drinking and how much you're struggling.

    It's very natural to be frustrated and feel like your parent is choosing alcohol over you. It's such a hard feeling to have though.

    Do you have anyone you can talk to about how you're feeling? Any friends or family members? It's really positive that you've reached out on these message boards.

    Take good care,

  • uniquemind


    I know it is difficult to deal with a parents drinking and alcoholism. From my experience, I learnt to accept it is a illness and even if I do not communicate with my alcoholic parent they will still drink. Although, Alcoholism is an illness and only the person with the addiction can stop themselves and help themselves at the end of the day. It isn't any fault of your own.

    I hope you feel better soon and be hopeful

    Kindest regards

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