my experience with a alcoholic mum




a little background on my story, my mum has been a alcoholic since she was 16 years old due to a traumatic childhood her mother neglected her and made her live with her grandmother instead so my mother and my grandmother never had that bond at all in fact when i reached out for help even she declined to help me and my mother out and we now do not keep in contact. My mother has been off and on alcoholic when i was very young she started drinking a lot again. i was so young at the time so i don’t fully know the extent of it only from with my father has told me. Now i’m 16 and 2021 was definitely my worst nightmare and experience it was so scary but i got through it just like you will too! My mother started getting bad again in 2021, drinking a full bottle of gin every day and hiding it from me and my father but we caught her out sometimes. we tried our hardest to stop it ourselves but it wouldn’t do anything my mother never took it seriously and said she can help herself. after months of her continuing drinking she eventually began rehab after 9th of December when my father called 111 because we thought she may have been having a stroke luckily she wasn’t she was just so intoxicated that her body couldn’t function right, she was in bed for days shaking, sleeping and crying because she wasn’t getting alcohol. My mental health got extremely bad at this point where i went to live with my auntie in glasgow for a while just to settle my mind. When i got back things were good again but then on christmas day 2021 she relapsed, now she has gone 3 weeks without drinking i know it’s early days but i’m holding onto hope if she can stop for weeks she can stop forever. every day i panic to go out with friends or school because i don’t know what she’s up to but so far everything is going well she’s back on treatment and starting cancelling since she also got diagnosed with depression. Just know you are never alone with alcoholic parents always open up to friend, family or teachers at school and most importantly never be ashamed of a alcoholic parent as well🤍

  • listener


    I'm so sorry to hear about your mum's traumatic childhood and subsequent struggles with alcohol. I'm sorry also to hear how much this has impacted you. It sounds like since 2021 things have been especially difficult for you all as a family.

    It's wonderful that your mum is trying hard to stay sober and it's great that you are hopeful that she will get better. When a parent stops drinking there can be a lot of anxiety and fear that they will relapse, so I can appreciate that things must still be hard for you right now.

    Your messages to other people are so supportive; it's admirable that you are reaching out on here and spreading the message that others are not alone and encouraging people to ask for help. I hope this helps you too, and that you continue reaching out if you need support.

    Take good care,

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