My dad won’t stop!
The thing that keeps me strong is help lines and I realise I am not alone.
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The thing that keeps me strong is help lines and I realise I am not alone.
I have been trying to find someone that can relate to what I have been through.
You are an innocent, worthy child and that people do really care about what happens to you.
It was horrible. When she used to get up in the morning she acted as if nothing was wrong.
I had had no one to guide me or to tell me that it was not my problem or that she had one.
I suffer from the shame, I suffer thinking it’s something I have done.
To anyone that has gone through a similar thing I would like to say: things get better, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
“Don’t trust, don’t talk, don’t feel,” these are the rules of a dysfunctional family.
I wanted people to understand, to know what I was going through.
I want us to be a close and strong family. Please try – I’ve never wanted anything more than this.
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