Concerned Others & Professionals

My Mum

As I have got older I realise there is no shame to admit things are getting too much and asking for help.

As I have got older I realise there is no shame to admit things are getting too much and asking for help.

My story

When he drank, he changed. I remember my mum describing him as a Jekyll and Hyde character.

When he drank, he changed. I remember my mum describing him as a Jekyll and Hyde character.


Only one person could make the change with that relationship with alcohol, and it wasn’t me no matter how much I thought I could

Only one person could make the change with that relationship with alcohol, and it wasn’t me no matter how much I thought I could

For those that didn’t recover

The most upsetting part for me is knowing how unhappy he was and that he never found peace

The most upsetting part for me is knowing how unhappy he was and that he never found peace

I lost my superpower: Strength

The questions I had will never be answered. The answers I wanted will never be given.

The questions I had will never be answered. The answers I wanted will never be given.

Don’t wake the Ogre

It took so much for me to share our shameful secret, I thought they could just talk to my dad and it would all improve.

It took so much for me to share our shameful secret, I thought they could just talk to my dad and it would all improve.

Elizabeth Fletcher – #LunchtimeLives

You don’t want to do anything, ever, to make them feel a certain way. Because that could spark a negative feeling

You don’t want to do anything, ever, to make them feel a certain way. Because that could spark a negative feeling

Dad, do you remember?

Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.

Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.

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