Addiction taking priority

I am the daughter of an alcoholic

You should always remember it is just as physically and emotionally draining for the carer as it is for the addicted.

You should always remember it is just as physically and emotionally draining for the carer as it is for the addicted.


Please stop now, as you’ve had plenty.

Please stop now, as you’ve had plenty.

A letter from mum

‘A healing letter, an approach known as “transactional writing”‘

‘A healing letter, an approach known as “transactional writing”‘


All I want is my mother but I lost my mother to her addiction 25 years ago.

Jen Payne Addiction Awareness Week

All I want is my mother but I lost my mother to her addiction 25 years ago.

Bottles, secrets and me

‘I dial the helpline, how will the words come out. There’s a washing machine in my stomach.’

Addiction awareness week Nacoa

‘I dial the helpline, how will the words come out. There’s a washing machine in my stomach.’

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