“It’s not her that hates you, it’s the disease”
When the bell rung at 3pm, most of my friends couldn’t wait to get out of school. For me, I dreaded that sound.
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When the bell rung at 3pm, most of my friends couldn’t wait to get out of school. For me, I dreaded that sound.
When I look back I seem to have spent a lot of my childhood cleaning, the only way I could make myself calm in the chaos.
I can’t do anything for my mother – she doesn’t want me, she wants brandy.
Why do I go back to her out of fear of what she is doing to herself?
I never knew how I would feel the day I lost her as our relationship was turbulent.
What I want my parents, and everyone else to know, is that these things that hurt the people we love.
I realised that I had kept all my feelings bottled inside me for so many years.
I am still haunted by those childhood memories of my father’s drinking.
Us 3 lived on the pub doorsteps with bottles of lemonade sent out every hour.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s never blame yourself for your parent’s drinking.
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