Healing my inner child as the daughter of an alcoholic
The domestic violence happened at home, behind closed doors.
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The domestic violence happened at home, behind closed doors.
I didn’t hate my father but I hated the person he became when he was drunk.
I struggle to be carefree, but I am more accepting.
I’m not fearing it anymore, I’m expecting it. I don’t know you, you are a stranger.
I recently asked my nine-year-old sister ‘Do you like coming home from school?
Children of alcoholics and families will understand our story.
It was like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the Hyde part always overwhelmed you.
I am still here fighting on and there is always more of my story to tell.
Mourning the death of someone who hasn’t died, but has changed.
Being a COA does not have to stop you from achieving anything.
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