Every time I watched her buy alcohol my heart sank. Each time I withdrew a bit more
Just to hear about the disease in a non-judgmental way and to be heard can end years of isolation and be profoundly healing.
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Just to hear about the disease in a non-judgmental way and to be heard can end years of isolation and be profoundly healing.
I feel so different to other people and compare myself to my work colleagues who had a normal upbringing.
It was the first time I really knew what was wrong with me. For years I had been drinking just to exist but had always justified it as something I deserved.
It’s vital that we take away the shame from the illness of alcoholism, so that people aren’t frightened to come forward and ask for help.
I am haunted by the idea that the telling of these dark truths is an unwarranted betrayal of my mother.
The fight to stay sane is sometimes so difficult there were, and are, times when I wonder if it was all worth it.
The shame when your father turns up drunk to your school prize giving where you are getting a prize.
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