Age is only a number




I’m a single child now 48yrs old. Both my parents have died. My mum at 18 and my dad in 2023. They were both alcoholics. One functioning and one non functioning. Home was a destructive place for me. Domestic violence, loosing homes 3 times, abuse from my mum, changing schools 3 times. Just a small outline of a much bigger story I hope to share one day. I want to finally be able to help others. Never until now have I come across an organisation that can help adults. I’ve been on this journey by myself and it’s still hard to this day. I hold so much pain and no where have I found help that can relate. Finally now I hope I can help others and and get help. Knowing I’m not alone.

  • here2help

    I’m so glad you came here to share your feelings. You are not alone. It sounds like you had some very difficult experiences growing up and I think it’s normal for that to come to the surface many years later. Nacoa is here to help all children of alcoholics, no matter what age, because our experiences can impact us throughout our lives. I’m so glad you’ve found a community here. Take good care of yourself.

  • listener

    Hi Violet 1242,

    I’m so, truly, sorry for your losses both in bereavement and the childhood trauma you’ve shared. I’m sorry too that until now you have been trying to navigate this journey alone. It’s so good to hear you have found others here at Nacoa who can relate and to know that you aren’t alone.

    It’s amazing that you’d like to go on to help others and to share more of your story. Do you know what shape you’d like those things to take form in?

    You are right too, it is hard. Please do remember, even when helping others, that you matter in this. What’s your support network like? Do you have friends, family or others you can share your feelings with? There are also AlAnon and ACA who offer peer support groups if you ever felt that might be helpful.

    Of course, Nacoa’s helpline is here for you too, you can call, or email, and speak to a helpline counsellor. They will listen, never judge, and offer you space to be heard and unpack your feelings. The helpline is open from Monday to Saturday 10am to 7pm. They are open over Christmas too.

    Please do continue making use of the message board too if you find it helpful – it’s great you can connect with others who really do understand. Thank you again for sharing part of your story.


  • pearl

    Absolutely, age is only a number. I didn’t start my healing journey until my late 30s, writing and talking has been a huge part of that journey. I hope you writing here has helped in some way? Feeling relatable, seen, heard, acknowledged, all very powerful healing tools. This community is wonderful and shows you are not alone. Helping others by sharing your experiences is very empowering. Welcome to NACOA, I’m so glad you found us, you are absolutely in the right place. Don’t forget the helpline too ☺️

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