I’ve lived with my alcoholic dad since birth – the obligatory traumatic experiences, throwing things, punching things, throwing my things (as a young child), leaving me locked in a house at night when I was…
I’ve lived with my alcoholic dad since birth – the obligatory traumatic experiences, throwing things, punching things, throwing my things (as a young child), leaving me locked in a house at night when I was…
I think I have made the decision to tell my Dad that I won’t be visiting in any capacity until he accepts he needs help and gets it. I guess I’m just wondering if this…
I am 44 year old man who grew up with an alcoholic father. I left home when I was 22. I am dealing with issues of low self-worth, anger and sadness which I think are…
I’m new to this page. I’m currently 19, my mum passed away when I was 10 years old after a long battle with being an alcoholic. I’ve spent my teen years angry at her for…
hi all, My husband (69) gets drunk at the pub with a friend at least 2 times a week He leaves at 1pm and comes home at 7pm. They drink and do a crossword, but…
You say dad has capacity to make his own choices, well can’t you see what we as his children could see. They say it’s an illness, an awful disease. Where is the help, the intervention…
I’m not entirely sure about what to say here but recently I’ve been struggling quite bad with my Dad’s alcoholism so I thought writing on here might make me feel better, as well as anyone…
Hi, it’s my first post. Where do I even begin? My dad has been alcoholic since I can remember, for about the first 25-30 years of my life he was a functioning alcoholic, now he…
Hi I’m in my twenties and my dad is an alcoholic who relapsed when i was 13 and has been drinking off and on since then. Things really escalated since covid started and I genuinely…
Hi everyone, I have been no contact with my alcoholic mother for approx 18 months due to her alcoholism and I have heard from family that she has drastically worsened over that time… she has…
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