‘You can be angry, and that’s okay.’
‘You can be angry, and that’s okay.’
Clinking bottles which were hiding in bags came.
Clinking bottles which were hiding in bags came.
We see your hidden glass on the floor.
We see your hidden glass on the floor.
As much as I miss you, I don’t miss the alcohol and perpetual cycle of despair.
As much as I miss you, I don’t miss the alcohol and perpetual cycle of despair.
I know that I could not have helped, but it is still really tough.
I know that I could not have helped, but it is still really tough.
You gave me life and I long to remember your sweet voice.
You gave me life and I long to remember your sweet voice.
I tried to save her but I just couldn’t get past the dark.
I tried to save her but I just couldn’t get past the dark.
All I can do is support from an arm’s length. I’m a daughter, not a carer.
All I can do is support from an arm’s length. I’m a daughter, not a carer.
‘You want to sweep it under the
carpet and not admit that
there is a deep flaw.’
‘You want to sweep it under the
carpet and not admit that
there is a deep flaw.’
‘I spent a lifetime hating myself… It’s beautiful on the other side.’
‘I spent a lifetime hating myself… It’s beautiful on the other side.’