Some people may judge my mother for her illness, and call her an unfit parent. Don’t.
I stood in silence next to her bed, experiencing a succession of emotions. Disappointment. Anger. Rejection.
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I stood in silence next to her bed, experiencing a succession of emotions. Disappointment. Anger. Rejection.
No one has to suffer alone.
I was seven years old, all on my own.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s never blame yourself for your parent’s drinking.
I have been trying to find someone that can relate to what I have been through.
Sometimes society and family will imply that you are guilty for having a parent that drinks.
I was left to pick up my brothers and sisters as she was asleep drunk. We would end up locked out until she woke up.
I never blamed myself for his drinking, but I always wondered how different my life would be if he didn’t drink.
‘Probably from the age of about six I knew what alcohol was.’
Sometimes I feel relief that she is gone, relief that the merry go round I was on has finally stopped and will never start again. Guilt is the main emotion that has accompanied this relief
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