After my dad died

I was seven years old, all on my own.

My dad left me five years ago now

He killed himself and I know how

It was all my fault

I should of been there but I was at home asleep and that means I don’t care
I was seven years old

All on my own

My dad had died and my mum left me at home

All on my own for several weeks she would come back home and batter me because she hated me

I don’t know why

I had to sleep on the floor and it was cold

I thought I was going to die
The man she was with came in my bed and instead of hugging me

He would hurt me instead
I thought I was going to prison – that’s what he said

I told my teacher and she started to cry

I saw the tear in her eye
She took me from home straight away

She said it was not my fault but that’s not what they say

I was in care but not for a long time because Chloe fostered me and said every thing will be fine
I couldn’t trust her

I didn’t know what to do but I noticed she never hurt me

So I knew she was true
We started to know each other a lot more and then she adopted me

What did she do that for?
I tell you why because she loves me

And now I am her daughter and she is my mummy



After my dad died

I was seven years old, all on my own.

After my dad died

I was seven years old, all on my own.

My dad left me five years ago now

He killed himself and I know how

It was all my fault

I should of been there but I was at home asleep and that means I don’t care
I was seven years old

All on my own

My dad had died and my mum left me at home

All on my own for several weeks she would come back home and batter me because she hated me

I don’t know why

I had to sleep on the floor and it was cold

I thought I was going to die
The man she was with came in my bed and instead of hugging me

He would hurt me instead
I thought I was going to prison – that’s what he said

I told my teacher and she started to cry

I saw the tear in her eye
She took me from home straight away

She said it was not my fault but that’s not what they say

I was in care but not for a long time because Chloe fostered me and said every thing will be fine
I couldn’t trust her

I didn’t know what to do but I noticed she never hurt me

So I knew she was true
We started to know each other a lot more and then she adopted me

What did she do that for?
I tell you why because she loves me

And now I am her daughter and she is my mummy


You are not alone

Remember the Six "C"s

I didn’t cause it
I can’t control it
I can’t cure it
I can take care of myself
I can communicate my feelings
I can make healthy choices

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