Doing hard things and allowing negative experiences to drive positive change
I wanted to give myself a challenge and push myself out of my comfort zone.
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I wanted to give myself a challenge and push myself out of my comfort zone.
No one does. It was when he retired that things really began to go downhill.
I drowned my pain, and it buried me
I became the dad I couldn’t save
Time goes on like nothing happened. Everyone goes about their lives like nothing happened.
I feel the confidence now to be able to share my experience of being a child of an alcoholic
The true impact of my parent’s alcoholism will never be known to me.
There’s freedom in speaking up and working through this.
Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.
As much as I tried to protect my son with every fibre of my being, I couldn’t fully protect him.
For as far back as I can remember, I had a lingering feeling something was terribly wrong.
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