Dad, do you remember?
Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.
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Dad, I loved you and then I hated you but now I just feel sorry for you.
And his forever lasting words to me were “Reach for the moon Gem, you will always land amongst the stars. I will always be your Dad”.
I’m finding it very difficult to come to terms with my loss.
All I wanted was for her to love us, to love me, and I think she did but just could not show it.
‘Mum’s addiction was nothing to do with me. But somewhere in my brain it’s still telling me, She did reject you.’
They worry about the potentially embarrassing repercussions.
Just because you’ve had an alcoholic parent, doesn’t mean you’re destined to go down that path.
As a young girl I remember the fear of coming in from school.
I went into “protection mode” – to protect myself from any further hurt or pain.
I learnt not to talk, not to trust and not to feel.
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