Living with an alcoholic father
Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.
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Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.
I am the adult child of an alcoholic who I lost to her addiction in 2006.
For as far back as I can remember, I had a lingering feeling something was terribly wrong.
We lived in it together, and I felt that no one else would ever understand.
I spent days thinking that if I did not exist, it would make her better.
The whole family had suffered the damaging indignities…
My mum suffered from postpartum psychosis and other mental illnesses, and my dad was an alcoholic.
No-one spoke about it, and we had to keep it a secret. It was like a shame on the family.
I wanted to share how the term “Merry Christmas” can feel, as the kid of an alcoholic.
My head works in overdrive to put together pieces of a missing puzzle.
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