I am the daughter of an alcoholic, and had childhood trauma issues, I’ve ben told CBT can help, I also know that somatic therapy can help release the trauma stored in the body. If anyone…
I am the daughter of an alcoholic, and had childhood trauma issues, I’ve ben told CBT can help, I also know that somatic therapy can help release the trauma stored in the body. If anyone…
First, a little background. I’m 15, turning 16 soon! So many good things have happened in my life recently and I’ve been very happy. The problem is my mom. I’m not in her custody, I…
Hi, I was wondering if people could share their coping mechanisms for lockdown, when living with a parent who is drinking too much or a parent who is drinking too much during lockdown who you…
My dad has been an alcoholic ever since before I was born and me and my siblings grew up to my parents constantly fighting my dad would say some pretty horrible things to each of…
Hey, my mum is an alcoholic and has been for a long time, she and my dad got divorced and as much as they both claim it wasn’t due to her drinking I feel like…
Mothers aren’t supposed to be alcoholics. I’m an adult and for most of my childhood, my mother hid her secret of drinking alcohol. She is now dependant and experiences shakes if she does not drink.…
I can’t remember as a child a time when my dad didn’t drink but at an early age I didn’t realize it was an issue, he held down a job, took us away on holidays…
I often find myself battling with how to forgive my parent for their alcholism. I lost my father to it a few years ago now and it was really sudden, despite his relationship with alcohol…
i was really looking forward to christmas but I know its a time of year when everyone is celebrating. i feel as though my Christmas memories are ruined by living with someone who drinks so…
i am not too sure what is going on at home and its really hard because we have just come out of a lockdown. i feel so useless and alone because whenever I ask for…
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