Young People

I wasn’t allowed any friends in the house nor did I have any birthday parties or go to any parties

I still suffer to this day, I suffer from the shame, I suffer thinking it’s something I have done, it will not go away, the feeling that I was and am worthless, will stay with me for the rest of my life.

I still suffer to this day, I suffer from the shame, I suffer thinking it’s something I have done, it will not go away, the feeling that I was and am worthless, will stay with me for the rest of my life.

The person I was was frightened by rejection

I deal now with the ‘who I am’, and I know I am a strong person but more importantly I know life can be good for me again.

I deal now with the ‘who I am’, and I know I am a strong person but more importantly I know life can be good for me again.

Alcohol allowed me to feel like I fitted in

It was the first time I really knew what was wrong with me. For years I had been drinking just to exist but had always justified it as something I deserved.

It was the first time I really knew what was wrong with me. For years I had been drinking just to exist but had always justified it as something I deserved.

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