Never feel guilty for your parent’s drinking. It isn’t your fault
I never knew how I would feel the day I lost her as our relationship was turbulent.
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I never knew how I would feel the day I lost her as our relationship was turbulent.
He has never forgiven me for ‘abandoning’ him at this point.
But the thing that keeps me strong is help lines and I realise I am not alone.
What I want my parents, and everyone else to know, is that these things that hurt the people we love.
I realised that I had kept all my feelings bottled inside me for so many years.
I kind of treated her illness as my illness, as though we were both alcoholics.
I am still haunted by those childhood memories of my father’s drinking.
We never went without food, clothes, necessities, but we did go without guidance.
My teenage years were blighted by alcohol having a higher priority than me.
I know what it means to live in poverty with parents who spend first on alcohol and cigarettes.
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