Addiction taking priority

My mother was unflinchingly strong and alive

For everyone that has ever felt like I did; alone, helpless and overwhelmed, I would like to say that you are not strange, guilty or failing.

For everyone that has ever felt like I did; alone, helpless and overwhelmed, I would like to say that you are not strange, guilty or failing.

My Dad

As a family I believe we were in denial

As a family I believe we were in denial

To my dad

Your demon, your monster, your saboteur.

Your demon, your monster, your saboteur.

I miss you every moment of my life

As much as I miss you, I don’t miss the alcohol and perpetual cycle of despair.

As much as I miss you, I don’t miss the alcohol and perpetual cycle of despair.

Fade away

You gave me life and I long to remember your sweet voice.

You gave me life and I long to remember your sweet voice.

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