Difficulty in relationships

It wasn’t your fault

Please know that you are not the reason for your father’s rage.

Yasmin It was not your fault

Please know that you are not the reason for your father’s rage.

Not today

I drowned my pain, and it buried me
I became the dad I couldn’t save

I drowned my pain, and it buried me
I became the dad I couldn’t save

Living with an alcoholic father

Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.

Cath an adult child of an alcoholic father

Like many families with addiction, there was constant covering up to make things look ‘respectable’ and keep the secret.


It’s just over a week after I ran the London Marathon.

It’s just over a week after I ran the London Marathon.

Not something you could talk about

No-one spoke about it, and we had to keep it a secret. It was like a shame on the family.

No-one spoke about it, and we had to keep it a secret. It was like a shame on the family.

The pursuit of peace of mind

My head works in overdrive to put together pieces of a missing puzzle.

My head works in overdrive to put together pieces of a missing puzzle.

Addiction is unacceptable and unfair

Addiction – in my life. It has caused me so much friction. It is unacceptable and unfair.

Addiction – in my life. It has caused me so much friction. It is unacceptable and unfair.

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