This one’s for you Mum
Thank you for the lessons that your life taught me
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Home Experience of abuse
Thank you for the lessons that your life taught me
Everyone commented on how lovely she was but behind closed doors she was anything but.
Please know that you are not the reason for your father’s rage.
Family life was chaotic, and we would have regular police visits to our home.
Why doesn’t she care enough to stay sober for one day?
There’s freedom in speaking up and working through this.
As much as I tried to protect my son with every fibre of my being, I couldn’t fully protect him.
Addiction doesn’t just affect the addict. Addiction is a family illness.
We lived in it together, and I felt that no one else would ever understand.
My mum suffered from postpartum psychosis and other mental illnesses, and my dad was an alcoholic.
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